31 Days Of Transformative Affirmations

Welcome to this empowering 31 day journey! This series will help guide you through a transformative journey of positive affirmations. Each day, I'll be sharing helpful affirmations to help you stay focused and motivated. Join me as I help you create a new mindset and discover your inner strength. Let's get started on this journey to create a life of abundance and joy!


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Day 1 Rest

  1. I am breathing in slowly and exhaling softly.

  2. I am ready for sleep.

  3. All is well.

  4. I am in a relaxed state.

  5. I release the day.

  6. I embrace the night.

  7. My mind is at rest.

  8. I welcome sleep.

  9. I feel content.

  10. I am ready to nourish my body and mind.

  11. I feel light.

  12. I am at ease.

  13. I breathe slowly and carefully.

  14. My limbs are sinking into my bed.

  15. I invite warm and positive energy into my body.

  16. I am grateful for my bed.

  17. I am embracing my breath.

  18. I am safe and comfortable.

  19. My body is quiet and still.

  20. With every breath I take, calmness washes over me.

  21. It is easy for me to sleep soundly.

  22. I love and accept my body.

  23. I am proud of what I have accomplished today.

  24. My bedroom is a cozy haven.

  25. I release all of the events of the day thus far.

  26. I am calm.

  27. I am proud of myself.

  28. As I breathe, my heart fills with light.

  29. It is easy for me to sleep.

  30. I am allowed to rest to feel my best.

“I will take my wellness journey one step at a time.”

Day 2 Wellness

  1. Taking care of myself feels right.

  2. My body is strong.

  3. I am kind to my body.

  4. My body is perfect in this moment.

  5. My body is always helping me.

  6. I eat food that helps to nourish my body.

  7. My skin is glowing.

  8. I can achieve my health goals.

  9. I will take my wellness journey one step at a time.

  10. I have a loving friendship with my body.

  11. My goals are realistic and kind.

  12. I am grateful for every part of my body.

  13. My body is healthy and strong.

  14. I am radiant on the inside and outside.

  15. My body is working for me.

  16. I deserve a long life.

  17. I believe I can accomplish anything.

  18. My body is sacred and respected.

  19. I am meant to be on this journey.

  20. I honor my body.

  21. I grow stronger with every passing day.

  22. I am worthy of good things.

  23. My wellnes goals make me feel happy.

  24. I trust this path.

  25. My gratitude is everything.

  26. My mindset is positive.

  27. I exercise to give thanks to my body.

  28. I accept my power.

  29. Perfection is a myth.

  30. Every part of me matters.

Day 3: Reset

  1. I invite positive energy.

  2. My immune system is strong.

  3. I am resilient.

  4. All good things are coming my way.

  5. Today will be a productive day.

  6. I’m doing the best I can.

  7. I can do anything and be anything.

  8. I am filled with focus.

  9. I release my expectations.

  10. I trust my body to tell me what it needs.

  11. I am optimistic.

  12. My mind is powerful.

  13. Self love is easy.

  14. I crave new adventures.

  15. I release fear and anxiety.

  16. I wake up motivated.

  17. I am unstoppable.

  18. I am ready for great things.

  19. I am living with abundance.

  20. I create a positive impact on the people in my life.

  21. I am inspiring.

  22. I rise above negative thoughts.

  23. Today is a phenomenal day to choose me.

  24. I am turning down the volume of negativity.

  25. I am led by my dreams.

  26. I am grateful for my life.

  27. I am independent.

  28. I am self-sufficient.

  29. My past does not define me.

  30. I am motivated to learn and grow.

“I hold incredible power.”

Day 4: Energize

  1. I do not carry stress or tension in my body.

  2. I am filled with energy.

  3. My lungs are full of breath.

  4. Electricity flows through me.

  5. I am intelligent and focused.

  6. My thoughts and words are powerful.

  7. My life is transforming.

  8. I am always evolving.

  9. I can free myself from destructive habits.

  10. I am able to live without fear.

  11. I am at peace and confident in my choices.

  12. I will make it through any obstacle.

  13. I do not waste any part of my day.

  14. I value my time.

  15. I hold incredible power.

  16. My soul radiates warmth.

  17. I do not compare myself to others.

  18. I create my own definition of success.

  19. I let go of things that do not matter.

  20. I feed my spirit.

  21. My actions are meaningful.

  22. This is my time.

  23. Positive thoughts in the morning can change my whole day.

  24. I rise with power and determination.

Day 5: Prioritize

  1. I am important.

  2. Taking time for myself matters.

  3. It is not selfish to make myself a priority.

  4. My health is important.

  5. I deserve moments of quiet.

  6. I deserve self-respect.

  7. I do not pretend to be anything other than who I am.

  8. I do not rush through my life.

  9. I reach toward my interests.

  10. I embrace spontaneous moments.

  11. I strive for joy.

  12. Letting go creates space for new opportunities.

  13. I am allowed to give my body beautiful clothing.

  14. I deserve a clean and warm space.

  15. I counter speed with stillness.

  16. I deserve the very best.

  17. I will take the time to be still.

  18. Carving out moments for myself is good for me.

  19. I value my mental health.

  20. It is ok to be supportive of myself.

  21. I deserve to be there for me.

  22. I matter just as much as anyone else in my life.

  23. My needs are essential.

  24. I cannot do my best for others if I am not at my best.

  25. I am filled with self-worth.

Day 6: Regenerate

  1. My movements are intentional.

  2. I replenish my body with water throughout the day.

  3. I train my body.

  4. Asking for help is not a weakness but a strength.

  5. My perspective is important.

  6. I lean into love and honesty.

  7. Power naps are powerful.

  8. It is important to recharge my mind's batteries.

  9. I say kind things to myself in the mirror.

  10. My body craves kindness and nourishment.

  11. My intake of food is balanced and thoughtful.

  12. A healthy gut is essential to my body.

  13. I welcome what is.

  14. I welcome what comes next.

  15. My body is beautiful at its current size.

  16. My feelings deserve to be felt.

  17. My heart knows how to repair itself.

“I will let happy thoughts consume me.”

Day 7: Heal

  1. I will not push my body past its breaking point.

  2. I am surrounded by healing energy.

  3. My health cannot be taken from me.

  4. My healing journey is a process.

  5. I am treating my body well.

  6. I wish good things for my mind and body.

  7. I am whole.

  8. It is my duty to look after myself.

  9. I will let happy thoughts consume me.

  10. I embrace the present.

  11. I cross bridges with ease.

  12. I am open to new ways of looking at my life.

  13. I lovingly help my body.

  14. When I care for my body, my body cares for me.

  15. I am a good person.

  16. I celebrate the small victories.

Day 8: Love

  1. I love my ife.

  2. My heart is full.

  3. Every version of me is loved.

  4. I am a warrior.

  5. I love everything my body has given me.

  6. I am gentle with my feelings.

  7. I am falling in love with my life.

  8. I choose love.

  9. I speak about myself lovingly.

  10. I listen to my body with patience.

  11. I celebrate my uniqueness.

  12. My relationships are rooted in kindness.

  13. I let go of toxic behaviors.

  14. I allow love into my heart.

  15. I push negativity away from my heart.

  16. I treat my time with care.

  17. I love that I will always be there for me.

Day 9: Strength

  1. My hardships make me stronger.

  2. I release the pain of my past.

  3. I manifest my goals.

  4. I enjoy my peace of mind.

  5. I own my self-worth.

  6. My life is unfolding the way it is supposed to.

  7. I have compassion for those around me.

  8. My mental well-being is powerful.

  9. I surrender to what life has to offer.

  10. I release emotional blocks that do not serve me.

  11. My wounds remind me of my power.

  12. My scars tell a story of resilience.

  13. My pain is valid and real.

  14. I am grateful for a body that supports me.

Day 10: Refresh

  1. Today will be a very good day.

  2. I am excited to take part in life.

  3. I align myself with success.

  4. I greet each morning with confidence.

  5. I am living every moment to the fullest.

  6. I create my reality.

  7. I gravitate towards what brings me joy.

  8. I welcome the joy in the universe.

  9. I make the right choices for me.

  10. I have everything I need to make this day great.

  11. I choose kindness.

  12. I welcome solutions to today's challenges.

  13. I wake feeling refreshed and energized.

“I surround myself with an aura of kindness.”

Day 11: Kindness

  1. I attract kind people into my life.

  2. I choose to be kind.

  3. Good behavior is beneficial.

  4. I control my words.

  5. I am grateful when others show me kindness.

  6. Negative self-talk does not serve me.

  7. Real change comes from within.

  8. When I choose kindness, goodness comes back to me.

  9. I live my life with awareness.

  10. I show compassion to those around me.

  11. I surround myself with an aura of kindness.

  12. I listen to the lessons my life has to offer.

  13. Kind words are powerful.

  14. I am passionate about spreading joy.

  15. Low self-worth is something I can overcome.

Day 12: Gratitude

  1. I find gratitude and joy in the little things.

  2. I realize the gift of this life.

  3. I count all of the things I am thankful for.

  4. With each passing moment I become more grounded.

  5. The door to my heart is kept open and humble.

  6. I hold inner wisdom and strength.

  7. Negative thoughts disappear like wisps of smoke.

  8. I am generous with my kindness.

  9. I will not take myself for granted.

  10. I will cherish moments of lightness.

  11. Negative thoughts are my enemy.

  12. I choose kind thoughts and actions.

  13. I choose to find the silver lining.

  14. I strive to live in a state of gratitude.

Day 13: Health

  1. I respect my body by moving it every day.

  2. I fuel my body with good energy and nourishment.

  3. I choose healthy solutions to all problems.

  4. When I am positive, I infuse positivity into others.

  5. I live in a place of self-love.

  6. I approach everyday tasks with a happy mindset.

  7. I exercise my mind and body in a way that serves me well.

  8. I make kindness an intentional habit.

  9. I value my health and wellbeing.

  10. It feels good to treat myself well.

  11. I incorporate my health goals into my daily routines.

  12. I breathe in love and light.

  13. I exhale toxic thoughts and poor choices.

Day 14: Mindset

  1. I am always enough.

  2. I use my strengths to help others.

  3. I allow myself the space to learn and grow.

  4. I am at peace with where I am in life.

  5. I create space in my mind for good thoughts.

  6. I create a safe place wherever I am.

  7. I give myself permission to take chances.

  8. I trust my inner self to guide me.

  9. I allow the world to give me inspiration.

  10. My goals are worthwhile and help drive me.

  11. I am resourceful and ambitious.

  12. It is alright to take a step back.

  13. I am grateful for the people in my life that encourage a positive mindset.

Day 15: Happiness

  1. A positive outlook attracts happy occasions.

  2. I am happiest when I am kind.

  3. I am willing and worthy of being happy.

  4. I do not pay attention to anger and resentment.

  5. I support my heart with unconditional love.

  6. My inner joy is a source of strength.

  7. I am meant to be content.

  8. Rain clouds do not darken my day.

  9. Good choices reveal a path to happiness.

  10. My good mood is contagious.

  11. I am constantly achieving my goals.

  12. I am confident in my ability to spread joy.

  13. A state of happiness is my true nature.

“I awake fully rested and ready to tackle the day.”

Day 16: Power

  1. I am growing into my power every day.

  2. I am proud of my ability to learn from others.

  3. I enjoy a free and clear mind.

  4. I am authentically myself.

  5. I feel successful today.

  6. My life has focus and direction.

  7. I awake fully rested and ready to tackle the day.

  8. A calm inner peace fills my soul.

  9. I stand for truth and strength.

  10. I am full of power and passion.

  11. I choose power in all that I say and do.

  12. I am centered.

  13. I have the power to create balance.

  14. My convictions hold strength and meaning.

  15. I am capable of great things.

Day 17: Honesty

  1. I find truth by living for myself.

  2. I speak the truth.

  3. I am not afraid of my true self.

  4. Honesty is a way of life.

  5. I am courageous.

  6. I speak up when needed.

  7. I am assertive and compassionate.

  8. I am open-minded and loving.

  9. I take responsibility for my thoughts and actions.

  10. The words I speak reflect value and kindness.

  11. I am a trusted friend.

  12. I keep promises.

  13. I share my thoughts in a kind manner.

  14. I live with a strong sense of empathy.

Day 18: Focus

  1. Daily tasks do not overwhelm me.

  2. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.

  3. I am motivated to reach my goals.

  4. I trust that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.

  5. I am capable of achieving anything I put my effort into.

  6. I am focused and determined to reach my desired outcomes.

  7. I am confident in my ability to stay on track.

  8. I am resilient and will not give up.

  9. I am deeply connected to my inner strength and power.

  10. I am open to new ideas and solutions.

  11. I am worthy of success and happiness.

Day 19: Setbacks

  1. I am a constantly evolving human being.

  2. I am learning valuable lessons from this experience.

  3. I am growing stronger and wiser from this setback.

  4. I am grateful for the challenges that come my way.

  5. I am resilient and will persevere through any obstacle.

  6. I am focused and determined to reach my goals.

  7. I am capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes my way.

  8. I trust in my ability to turn challenges into successes.

  9. I am confident in my ability to take the right steps forward.

  10. I am open to new ideas and solutions.

  11. I am unafraid of failure and will keep building towards my success.

  12. I am excited for the new opportunities that will come my way.

Day 20: Compassion

  1. I have achieved more than I even realize.

  2. I am open to love and kindness.

  3. I am compassionate towards myself and others.

  4. I am respectful of my own needs and feelings.

  5. I am grateful for the relationships in my life.

  6. I am understanding and patient with myself and others.

  7. I am capable of giving and receiving love.

  8. I trust in my ability to be compassionate and understanding.

  9. I am confident in my ability to be a source of support.

  10. I am committed to creating a safe and supportive space for myself and others.

  11. I am unafraid of expressing my feelings of compassion.

  12. I am open to learning from my experiences and those of others.

  13. I am worthy of love and kindness.

“I am committed to creating a bright future for myself.”

Day 21: Success

  1. Every day I take small steps toward my goals.

  2. I am confident and capable of achieving success.

  3. I am focused and determined to reach my desired outcomes.

  4. I am grateful for the opportunities that come my way.

  5. I am resilient and will not give up on my dreams.

  6. I trust in my ability to take the right steps forward.

  7. I am unafraid of failure and will keep building towards success.

  8. I am inspired to take action towards my goals.

  9. I am passionate and motivated to reach my full potential.

  10. I am willing to learn and grow from my experiences.

  11. I am committed to creating a bright future for myself.

  12. I am worthy of success and happiness.

Day 22: Create

  1. I create magic every day.

  2. I am creative and open to new ideas.

  3. I am inspired to express my unique talents and abilities.

  4. I am confident in my ability to create something beautiful.

  5. I am passionate about exploring my creative potential.

  6. I trust in my ability to bring my ideas to life.

  7. I am capable of thinking outside the box.

  8. I am unafraid of taking risks and trying new things.

  9. I am motivated to follow my imagination and intuition.

  10. I am open to learning and growing through my creative endeavors.

  11. I am inspired to create something meaningful.

  12. I am grateful for the opportunities to express my creativity.

  13. I am worthy of success and happiness.

Day 23: Self-Care

  1. When I listen to my mind and body I am meeting my basic needs.

  2. I am worthy of taking care of myself.

  3. I am deserving of love and respect.

  4. I am grateful for the time I take for myself.

  5. I trust in my ability to make the right decisions for my wellbeing.

  6. I am capable of creating healthy habits that serve me.

  7. I am open to learning and growing through self-care.

  8. I am confident in my ability to create a positive self-image.

  9. I am motivated to prioritize my mental and physical health.

  10. I am unafraid of setting boundaries and taking time for myself.

  11. I am inspired to practice self-love and self-compassion.

Day 24: Anxiety

  1. Fear and worry do not own me.

  2. I am brave and worthy of overcoming life's challenges.

  3. I am capable of managing my thoughts and big feelings.

  4. I trust that this feeling will pass.

  5. I am open to learning new ways to ease my anxiety.

  6. I am confident in my ability to face my fears.

  7. I am motivated to move forward and not backward.

  8. I do not fear new experiences.

  9. I am inspired to practice daily affirmations.

  10. I am grateful for the moments when I feel calm and peaceful.

“ I trust in my ability to stay calm and relaxed.”

Day 25: Stress

  1. Life's to-do lists do not frighten me.

  2. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.

  3. I am capable of managing my stress and anxiety.

  4. I trust in my ability to stay calm and relaxed.

  5. I am open to learning new ways to manage my stress.

  6. I am confident in my ability to handle challenging situations.

  7. I am motivated to take the right steps forward.

  8. I am inspired to practice self-care and relaxation techniques.

  9. I am grateful for the moments when I feel relieved and relaxed.

  10. I am worthy of peace and happiness.

Day 26: Body

  1. I will always show compassion and honor to my body.

  2. I am grateful for my body and the amazing things it can do.

  3. I am proud of my body and accept it as it is.

  4. I am confident in my ability to create healthy habits.

  5. I trust in my body’s ability to heal and recover.

  6. I am inspired to take care of my body with love and respect.

  7. I am open to learning new ways to nourish and support my body.

  8. I am motivated to treat my body with kindness and compassion.

  9. I am capable of creating a healthy relationship with my body.

  10. I am unafraid of taking time to rest and recover.

  11. I am worthy of health and happiness.

  12. I am beautiful inside and out.

Day 27: Manifest

  1. Everything I want in life is attainable.

  2. I am confident in my ability to manifest my desires.

  3. I am grateful for the opportunities that come my way.

  4. I am inspired to take action towards my goals.

  5. I trust in my ability to manifest my dreams into reality.

  6. I am motivated to stay focused and determined.

  7. I am open to new ideas and solutions.

  8. I am unafraid of taking risks to make my dreams come true.

  9. I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.

  10. I am passionate about manifesting my highest potential.

  11. I am worthy of my dreams.

Day 28: Hope

  1. I look forward to a kinder future.

  2. I am open to believing in a bright future.

  3. I am grateful for the moments of joy in my life.

  4. I trust in my ability to create a positive outlook.

  5. I am confident in my ability to stay hopeful.

  6. I am inspired to stay focused on my goals.

  7. I am motivated to be my best self.

  8. I am unafraid of embracing change and growth.

  9. I am capable of creating a life filled with optimism.

  10. I am committed to finding new ways to stay hopeful.

  11. I am open to learning and growing from my experiences.

  12. I am inspired to bring light to the darkness.

Day 29: Curiosity

  1. Adventure and new experiences are good for me.

  2. I am open to possibilites.

  3. I am inspired to explore and discover.

  4. I am confident in my ability to ask the right questions.

  5. I trust in my ability to be curious and inquisitive.

  6. I am motivated to seek out new experiences.

  7. I am unafraid of finding my path.

  8. I am passionate about discovering my full potential.

  9. I am capable of finding the answers.

  10. I am committed to staying curious and open-minded.

  11. I am open to learning from my experiences and those of others.

  12. I am inspired to stay curious and creative.

Day 30: Abundance

  1. I possess an abundance of light and love.

  2. I am open to receiving abundance in all areas of my life.

  3. I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me.

  4. I trust in my ability to attract abundance and prosperity.

  5. I am confident in my ability to create wealth and abundance.

  6. I am motivated to take the right steps towards financial success.

  7. I am unafraid of taking risks and pursuing new opportunities.

  8. I am inspired to manifest abundance and prosperity.

  9. I am capable of turning my dreams into reality.

  10. I am committed to creating a life of abundance and joy.

  11. I am open to learning and growing through my experiences.

  12. I am passionate about carving a path for a bright future.

  13. I am inspired to stay focused and determined.

  14. I am grateful for the opportunities that come my way.

  15. I am capable of achieving my goals.

Day 31: Reflect

  1. I am stronger than I was a month ago.

  2. I am open to reflecting on my experiences.

  3. I am grateful for the lessons I have learned.

  4. I trust in my ability to gain insight from my reflections.

  5. I am confident in my ability to stay mindful and present.

  6. I am motivated to find new ways to grow and develop.

  7. I am unafraid of looking inward and taking the time to reflect.

  8. I am inspired to be honest and authentic with myself.

  9. I am capable of making meaningful change and progress.

  10. I am committed to creating a positive outlook and attitude.

  11. I am open to learning from my mistakes and successes.

  12. I am passionate about understanding my thoughts and feelings.

  13. I am worthy of growth and progress.

  14. I am grateful for the moments of clarity and insight.


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